Angel Writer 3.2

Free Angel Writer is a free text editor very similar to Microsoft Word
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3.2.0 See all
Angelic Software
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Angel Writer is a free text editor very similar to Microsoft Word but with fewer options. With this program you can create all types of documents with formatted text, selecting background, background color, fill color, etc. There is a great variety of fonts to choose from, in various styles and sizes. It also includes paragraphing options, bullets and numbering, indentation, justification options, among other things. It even allows you to insert horizontal lines, page breaks, symbols, pictures, hypertext, date, and time. Regarding tables, you can create them very easily like in Word, selecting the number of rows and columns, cell borders, and alignment of cell contents.

In addition to this, the user interface is very simple and easy to use. It looks almost exactly like Word, so there won´t be a problem finding things. What is great, the user interface is available in multiple languages that can be selected from the options tab.

In short, Angel Writer is a simple text editor which allows you to create documents like in Word, very easily and fast, and the best of all is that it is free.

SM Senior editor
Silvana Mansilla
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Review summary


  • Simple and easy to use
  • You can create tables
  • Looks very similar to Word
  • Free


  • None

Comments (2)

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It's A free writing program almost identical to Microsoft Word, easy to use, and Hey it's Free Great for Students

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I use Angel Writer to edit alternate data streams, apart from Notepad AngelWriter is the only editor than I know of that recognises stream names as in "AngelWriter.exe myFile:myStream.rtf". Must be initiated as a command because the standard Windows Open File Dialog does not include provision for stream names. Yet another instance of the MS left hand not knowing what the MS right hands doing

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